Frame from the Installation






Remix portraits is a digital installation with some of the most famous portraits of the Renaissance, reinvented with digital techniques.
To inspire the artist are the giants of art history: Leonardo da Vinci, Antonello da Messina,
Giorgio Vasari, Artemisia gentileschi, Tiziano Vecellio.
Among the remixed subjects are present, la dama con l’ermellino, Apollo e Marsia, Giuditta con la testa di Oloferne.
The work of Cerami, investigates the looks of each character, studying colors and shapes and then apply masks of digital painting, which replicate repeatedly, creating a psychedelic picture.
The artist composes a narrative, wondering about those looks that for years have attracted the attention of the observers, trying to guess their thoughts.
Franz Cerami describes the work in the following way: “the portraits are stories that wait to be interpreted and reinterpreted.
I’ve seen pictures of them. Portraits made by Leonardo, Mantegna, Tiziano, Raffaello.
I’ve been there a few times.
I read in those eyes, in those faces of the mouth, in those smiles, in those eyes so direct.
I’ve seen things I wanted to tell.
I reinterpreted the look that another had seen four hundred years ago. Was it the look of the portrayed person? Or perhaps his projecting into the other?”